BEGIN by reading Section 4: Echinoderms from page 363 to page 365!

 Step 1:  Print your Starfish Pre-lab page. Click Here!

Step 2: Open the Starfish Dissection page to research answers to the 7 questions! (14 LAB Points!) Click Here!

Step 3: To receive your specimen, show Mrs. Slechta your pre-lab work. GOGGLES AND GLOVES ON!

Step 4Begin your External Dissection- Follow procedure steps 1 through 10 ONLY!  If the instructions ask you to label, don't worry about it.  Just follow along with the steps and look closely at your specimen. Click Here!

Step 5: Print your External Dissection Lab Sheet.  Click Here!

Step 6:  Begin your Internal Dissection- Follow procedure steps 11 through 21 ONLY! If the instructions ask you to label, don't worry about it.  Just follow along with the steps and look closely at your specimen. Click Here!

Step 7: Now it's time to properly label YOUR specimen!  For HELP, especially pictures, Click Here! 

 Let Mrs. Slechta check your work!

 If there is any time remaining, let's look at either tube feet, stomach lining, or digestive gland under the microscope!

 BEGIN by reading Section 3: Arthropods from page 357 to page 359!

 Step 1:  Print your Crayfish Pre-lab page.  Click Here!

Step 2: Open the Crayfish Dissection page to research answers to the questions. Click Here!

Step 3:  To receive your specimen, show Mrs. Slechta your pre-lab work.  GOGGLES AND GLOVES ON!

Step 4: Begin your External Dissection!  Follow procedure steps 1 through 11 ONLY!  Click Here!

HELP: Pictures of a male and female crayfish!  Click Here!

Step 5: Are you ready to remove appendages?  Print the Appendage Page and use it to place what is removed from your specimen.  Click Here!

For HELP with Appendage Page, Click Here!

Step 6Begin your Internal Dissection!  Follow procedure steps 12 through 24 ONLY!  Click Here!

Step 7: Now it's time to properly label YOUR specimen!  For HELP, especially pictures, Click Here! or Click Here! or Click Here! 

 Let Mrs. Slechta check your work!


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