Names: ____________________________, _________________________________, ______________________________

Date: 05/24/10

Pre-lab questions:

1. What type of skeleton does your specimen have?   ___________________________

2. How many pairs of appendages does the head region have? _____________

3. What three jobs does the antennules perform?  ___________, __________________, & _____________________

4. What are the large claws named that crayfish use for defense and to capture prey?  __________________________

5. What does a crayfish prey upon? (What does it eat?) ________________________________________________________

 External Dissection Lab Sheet:  

Mrs. Slechta will check off if correct!

1. Place your specimen on its dorsal side up in the dissection tray. _______

2. Circle the symmetry of your specimen:  RADIAL, BILATERAL, or ASYMMETRICAL

3. Determine the sex of your crayfish.  Male _____ or Female _______  

Explain how you KNOW: _____________________________________________________________________________________________

4. Proper identification of:


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